Friday, October 15, 2010

Patroclus' Death

Patroclus was the son of Menoetius and Sthenele and close friend of Achilles. Patroclus accompanied Achilles to the Trojan War, although he would have been obliged by the oath of the suitors (Oath of Tyndareus) to go to Troy. Patroclus is a noble fighter and comrade because he show his being loyal to his comrades and he fight for his comrades safety, eventhough Achilles dosen't want Patroclus to fight so he just prayer for his safety.

In book 17, Achilles still didnt join the fight. that why Patroclus volonteer himself to fight for Achilles presence. Achilles didnt want his idea, so Pratoculus change the condition, just to protect the ships. Patroclus trade his armor for Achilles' armor. He goes to the flamming ships with Achilles' soldiers. After some events, Patoclus(dishuise as Achilles) and Hector have a battle, Zeus decide the battle and he let Hector wins but after he killed Patroclus, Hector commanded his troops to retreat. Patroclus' Death means Hector's death.

Patroclus shows his bravery to fight with the Acheans even he knows he doesent good at fighting. Maybe Patroclus disguise as Achilles because he dont want Achilles' name will to be called as a coward or anything that Achilles dont want. Patroclus show his being a loyal friend for Achilles. Patroclus willl do anything for Achilles like a real friend that will help you anytime.

1 comment:

  1. Score: 7

    I am looking for the characterization of Patroclus as a friend and as a warrior; unfortunately it was not discussed here. You have just narrated the event involving him.
